Did You Know?
90% of those who die by suicide have an underlying mental illness.
$193 Billion
Serious mental illness costs America $193.2 billion in lost earning every year.
Nearly 50% of youth aged 8-15 didn’t receive mental health services in the previous year.
Suicide rates increased 56% between 2007-2017 for ages 10-24
About umttr
Our Purpose
umttr was founded in Potomac Maryland. umttr empowers schools, youth athletic organizations and many other “peer groups” with the funds, information, and tools they need to create a positive, compassionate culture where every person matters. We aim to place healthy habits for emotional well-being and caring support at the forefront of everyone’s daily interactions.
Our Goals
Educate the public on the “5 Healthy Habits for Emotional Well-being”
Identifying and introducing successful, research-based peer-led youth suicide prevention programs to schools and youth athletic organizations.
Hosting community awareness events and community fundraisers.
Sharing the message that You Matter and Your Life Matters.
Our Mission
Umttr is a community of young adults leading a movement to change the story from bullying, depression and suicide to a positive, compassionate culture where every person matters.
90% of people who die by suicide have a Diagnosable Mental Illness - we know we can help people with the proper tools and services.
If you recognize that someone in your life is suffering, get help!
You connect, reach out, inspire hope, and offer help. Show compassion, caring and a willingness to find a solution when the person may not have the will or drive to help themselves.
About Evan Rosenstock
On May 20, 2013, Churchill sophomore and varsity athlete, Evan Rosenstock, took his own life as a result of depression, leaving the entire Churchill community shocked and saddened. To prevent other student-athletes from ever feeling alone or desperate, a group of Churchill students, along with the Rosenstock family, have created umttr. Their mission is to foster a community of students who know that they matter.
Make A Donation. Make A Difference.
Let's raise awareness together. You can help us do this by making a donation online. You can save a life today.